Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Volume 22 (1), 1-10, 2023

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Use of Cereals and Egg Products in Extruded Foods: A Review

O.M.M. Nwadi, N.N. Uchegbu and Thomas Okonkwo

The aim of this paper was to review the use of cereal flours and egg in the production of extruded foods. This review paper focused on literature that has to do with extruded products containing raw materials of animal origin especially egg. Some researchers have attributed some benefits to egg such as being a perfect food, having some antioxidant properties, most globally accepted and cheapest animal protein. This puts egg in a good stead to be used as protein source and researchers have used them as ingredients in product formulation. Extrusion cooking has been extensively used in the production of snacks, pet treats, breakfast cereals and sometimes beverages and instant powders. Most extruded foods are cereal based, containing either wheat, maize, rice or other cereals, legumes, tubers and even by products from fruits and vegetable processing such as apple pomace. Over the years extruded products have been known to be starch based. This could be as a result of the viscoelasticity of starch which results in expansion of the extrudate. Extrusion is basically a low moisture cooking process. As the moisture content increases, the tendency of product expansion decreases. There is a conscious demand by consumers for a lightweight and more nutritious product preferably containing protein sources which can also be used to combat malnutrition especially among school age children. Few researchers have harnessed these benefits, therefore, it is recommended that the use of egg as protein source in extrusion cooking needs to be further exploited.

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How to cite this article:

O.M.M. Nwadi, N.N. Uchegbu and Thomas Okonkwo, 2023. Use of Cereals and Egg Products in Extruded Foods: A Review. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 22: 1-10.

DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2023.1.10

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