Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Volume 24 (10), 1103-1109, 2021

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Effectiveness of Various Types of Bio-Activators to Quality of Compost Fertilizer

Resman , Sahta Ginting, Muhammad Tufaila, Fransiscus Suramas Rembon and Halim

Background and Objective: Plant litter or plants that grow naturally and the plant materials of the cultivated plants are quite abundant both in fresh and dry form. In the case of a plant, litter is not processed and left on the surface of the soil as organic material then the process of decomposition and reshuffle requires a long time. The research aimed to find out the effectiveness of bio-activators on the formation and quality of compost fertilizer. Materials and Methods: The study design was used in a factorial pattern with two factors. The First factor is bio-activator consists of four levels, namely: EM-4, PROMI, Orgadec and (EM-4+PROMI+Orgadec). The second factor is organic matter consists of seven levels, namely: Imperata cylindrica, paddy straw, Gliricidia sepium leaves, (Imperata cylindrica + paddy straw), (Imperata cylindrica + Gliricidia sepium leaves), (paddy straw + Gliricidia sepium leaves), (Imperata cylindrica + paddy straw + Gliricidia sepium leaves). There were 28 treatments, each treatment was repeated three times to obtain 84 treatment units. Results: The result showed that compost fertilizer with Orgadec bio-activator treatment and PROMI is the best quality (pH compost, water content, P-total, N-total, C-organic, C/N ratio). Conclusion: The compost fertilizer with Orgadec bio-activator is the best quality for this research (pH compost, moisture content, P-total, N-total, C-organic, C/N ratio).

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How to cite this article:

Resman , Sahta Ginting, Muhammad Tufaila, Fransiscus Suramas Rembon and Halim, 2021. Effectiveness of Various Types of Bio-Activators to Quality of Compost Fertilizer. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 24: 1103-1109.

DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2021.1103.1109

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