Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Volume 21 (4), 690-699, 2022

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Study on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) for Pineapple Cultivation in Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Siswa Hernosa, Luthfi Mahmud Siregar, Chairani Hanum and Tavi Supriana

Background and Objective: The phenomenon of applying good agricultural practice (GAP) for pineapple in cultivation that is not as recommended and the yield of pineapple production is not optimal requires further studies that focus on the application of GAP pineapple as recommended. For the sustainability of pineapple cultivation in Labuhan Batu Regency, it is necessary to research how to apply the GAP component of pineapple cultivation. Materials and Methods: The method of analyzing the level of application of the GAP component using percentages and the method of influencing factors using multiple linear regression. Results: To get pineapple according to consumer preferences in the research area, it takes the level of application of GAP with a score of 24 or 72.72% with the category of moderate application level. The factors that positively influence the level of application of the pineapple GAP component in Labuhan Batu Regency are the number of farm workers in the family, the employment status of the farmer and the length of formal education of the farmer and the income of pineapple cultivation. Conclusion: There is no need for a high level of application of the GAP component to increase the income of pineapple farmers on peatland types.

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How to cite this article:

Siswa Hernosa, Luthfi Mahmud Siregar, Chairani Hanum and Tavi Supriana, 2022. Study on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) for Pineapple Cultivation in Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 21: 690-699.

DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2022.690.699

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