Information Technology Journal

Volume 21 (1), 1-7, 2022

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Asynchronous RPC Interface in Distributed Computing System

Gajendra Sharma

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is defined as a model for inter-process communication in distributed systems. RPC is simple as well as powerful. However, most of the RPC systems used synchronously in nature and synchronous RPC systems are not able to exploit fully parallelism in distributed applications. Therefore, various asynchronous RPC systems have been designed to achieve higher parallelism while retaining the simplicity of synchronous RPC. Asynchronous RPC calls do not block the client and the replies can be received when they are needed. Asynchronous RPC calls can be categorized into two types depending on whether the calls return a value. Most asynchronous RPC systems only support calls that do not return a value. An analysis and comparison of various asynchronous RPC systems were presented in this paper. Among several asynchronous RPC interfaces, the Mercury interface seems to be appropriate to use in high-performance computing systems where a large volume of data needs to be transferred.

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How to cite this article:

Gajendra Sharma, 2022. Asynchronous RPC Interface in Distributed Computing System. Information Technology Journal, 21: 1-7.

DOI: 10.3923/itj.2022.1.7

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