Asian Journal of Animal Sciences

Volume 14 (2), 69-74, 2020

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Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Products on Productive Performance of Ardi Goat

A.A. Alshanbari, S.B. Al-Suwaiegh, Y.M. Al-Yousef and T. A. Al-Shaheen

Background and Objective: Goats are one of the major range animals reared for milk and meat production in Saudi Arabia. These animals are capable to survive under highly drought and feed stress conditions. To achieve high milk and meat production, this study was conducted to determine the effect of SCFP on the productive performance of Ardi goats. Materials and Methods: The study utilized different inclusion rates of SCFP on 20 lactating goats by following a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Five SCFP rates namely 0 (control) 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 g/h/day were tested with 3 to 4 replications. Animals were quarantined for two weeks to acclimatize the metabolic crates and new ration. Milk yield was recorded daily for 90 days. Two experiments were conducted on 20 adult and 20 goat kids for treatment evaluation. Data were analyzed statistically by following appropriate methods for treatment evaluation. Results: Milk production, feed efficiency conversion rates and milk fat increased for groups three and four with inclusion rate of 3.5 and 4.5 g/h/day of SCFP, respectively, but without affecting milk protein and lactose concentration. The difference between Total Digestion Nutrients (TDN) and digestibility of Organic Matter (OM) was not significant between the control and other treatments. However, a significant difference was found between the control and other groups in Crude Protein (CP) digestibility. Conclusion: Supplementation of SCFP did not show any effect on milk production of Ardi goats, but it improved the FCR and milk fat yield. Also, ADF digestibility improved without any effect on OM and NDF digestibility. Besides, supplementing SCFP reduced the CP digestibility. Overall, the performance of Ardi goats improved with SCFP supplementation.

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How to cite this article:

A.A. Alshanbari, S.B. Al-Suwaiegh, Y.M. Al-Yousef and T. A. Al-Shaheen, 2020. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Products on Productive Performance of Ardi Goat. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 14: 69-74.

DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2020.69.74

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